Discography — Ásgeir



1. Afterglow

Afterglow, afterglow
Afterglow, magic show
shine across the earth tonight,
shimmering over the ocean.

Glow it’s a glow
glow it’s a magic show
gleaming up on the earth so bright,
moving along in slow motion.

River of light
I know the afterglow makes it alright

Wonderland, wonderland
wonderland is at hand
lustre inside this heart of mine,
chasing away the shadows.

Land, wonderland
wonderland is at hand
all abiding under your shine,
revel in all that you disclose.

River of light
I know the afterglow makes it alright

2. Unbound

When the nighttime is falling
I lay down content
And the morrow is calling
Stick to the present

Where my mind is a flowing
Body will follow
Must be some way of knowing

Nothing holds me back now
And I will be standing my ground
Luck will find me somehow
You know that I will be unbound

I want you to be
Out there with me
I need you to be
Unbound with me
I want you to be
Out there with me

And then why do I worry
Odds are with me
I am upon my journey
Untied I will be

I have found what I came for
Why should I concern
Just a taste and I want more
I'm on a good turn

Nothing holds me back now
And I will be standing my ground
Luck will find me somehow
You know that I will be unbound

I want you to be
Out there with me
I need you to be
Unbound with me
I want you to be
Out there with me

Then you bring about
open windows to jump through
over to the other side

3. Stardust

What’s the use of reaching for your heart, when we sail miles apart.
I gave you tomorrow’s useless broken try, to make our world alive.
I’m free from lover’s breathless scream, following me.
Perhaps you could just take one small chance, and see maybe you need me.

I’m the man that stands behind you,
real calm while you prove yourself
Understand that there is someone
waiting, till the curtains close.

Me, I’m a watercolour washing off
into the deepest sea.
Though my soul may set in darkness,
it will rise in light.

I’m the man that stands behind you,
real calm while you prove yourself
Out beyond your claim to freedom, a field wide
I can meet you there.

I shut my eyes and all the world drops,
I lift them and you are born again
Out beyond your claim to freedom, a field wide
I can meet you there.

I’m the man that stands behind you,
real calm while you prove yourself
I will come back here at sunrise,
a lover who waits all night.

4. Here Comes The Wave In

Watching shadows dancing on the wall,
painting you and me before the fall.
Time and fate have left me in this place
and reality is in my face.

Is this it? And just how will I know,
hiding under a blanket of snow.
When tomorrow is another day,
with bright colours over skies of grey.

Somewhere high above the timber line,
must be some way I can redefine.
In this atmosphere of discontent,
leaving all of this without torment.

Break the shackles that have kept me down,
feel the fresh air, have to leave this town.
Moving further out, with both arms spread,
ever higher up the steps ahead.

Here comes the wave in
Let the water even everything
When the morning comes, all this you’ll find behind you.

Whispering to me
Is the wind that blows, and birds that sing
Dry your tears, it’s just something we must go through.

Out with the old and in with the new,
this is something that we have to do.
Through the storm I travel in the night,
find my comfort come the morning light.

Somewhere high above the timber line,
must be some way I can redefine.
In this atmosphere of discontent,
leaving everything without torment.

Here comes the wave in
Let the water even everything
When the morning comes, all this you’ll find behind you.

Whispering to me
Is the wind that blows, and birds that sing
Dry your tears, it’s just something we must go through.

5. Underneath It

Calm is in the air
Leaves are floating by
A trickle here and there
Home to unify

Little headwind
Try to bring me back
and underneath it
underneath it
underneath it
underneath it

The order of the day
Is mend the falling out
And let guilt fade away
Refinement bring about

Then we can begin
Then my heart can beat
and underneath it
underneath it
underneath it
underneath it

All that tumbles down
Things that have gone south
Gone from green to brown
In the word of mouth

A reason why we’re here
Reason can’t be far
and underneath it
underneath it
underneath it
underneath it

Hear the whispers of the restless brook
And while the shadows fall
We can find an answer
Getting closer by the hour
Closer than we have before

6. Nothing

Nothing breaks our wave my love
The coldest nights are out my love
Voice unearthed, a hurtful truth, somewhere in the clouds
So ambiguous, nothing breaks, now

Nothing breaks our wave my love
Nothing breaks our wave my love

7. I Know You Know

Oh! How I need you now
Want you beside me
Oh! How I need you
Alone with a heavy heart
Why can't you see me
Feeling my luck wear thin

Drive away with me
Straight into the rain
Never coming back again
See the rivers flow
Heading for the ocean
I know that’s where we belong

Meet me up in the light
Now that it’s calling
Sing to a quiet stream
Oh! How I long for light
A light that won’t leave me
Never to go away

And I know you know
Let the ocean bathe me

I know there’s a love star
Shining down on the old house
Nowhere near the tried lines
I know where the keys are
The keys to the old house
Nowhere near the guidelines

8. Dreaming

In an endless spin
and without you leaving
flowing over every cup
if you know you're dreaming
if your worlds are crossing
and, this dark should fall.

Look up to the stars
in the darkness glowing
and when you're out there soaring high
without your body flowing
don't hesitate you're dreaming
after all.

Over fields of green
in the sunlight gleaming
leaving all I know behind
now I know I'm dreaming
I follow every line that leads to you.

9. New Day

Let forgiveness mend the past
Heal our wounded hearts at last
Wait down by the flowing stream
Your return into my dream

Love so pure and ever true
Mends your heart and leads you through
Now a fleeting leave of gloom
As the sunlight fills the room

When the flowers grow
They lift their heads up to the glow
And find a way to make things okay

Line out to the sleeping sun
For a new day has begun
Be it false or be it real
This is what you made me feel

When the flowers grow
They lift their heads up to the glow
That clears the day and makes it okay

When the flowers grow
They lift their heads up to the glow
For me and you the sun will shine through

10. Fennir yfir

Walk along a weary path,
The weather holds the aftermath
Inside his sadness hiding.

Crying to the cliffs aloud
Careless of the hills, it bowed
The heavy wind keeps blowing.

Passing over pathless steps
And pleading on the ground, oh lord!
My soul is in your keeping.

Forward through the frost and snow
Following the northern glow
Inside his pain abiding.

11. Hold

í sakleysi.. gjóta ….. …..kníf,
í tún…….. ……. ……. ….. ….
sé é. ...i li….,
…... uppímót.
og fræ .. …..,
. …. …. .. ….. ….

í sakleysi.. gjóta felur tygil….,
í túnjaðri… ……. ……. ….. ….
.. é. læki liðast,
liðast uppímót.
.. fræ er falla,
. …. …. en festa rót.

Grænn. … …… ..,
.. ………. .. …. ….
og ef til vill er eitthvað nýtt,
.. ……. ….. vanga blítt.
horfi ég dreyminn,
hugföngnum augum eins og er.
horfi á heiminn,
hörfa á brott.

Á úfna jörð .. ….. …,
.. ….ki. Ge… ….. …...
. ……….. kjaftur hremmir lítið líf.

-Deluxe Album-

12. Afterglow (Alternative Version)

13. Unbound (Alternative Version)

14. Where Is My Mind

15. Trust

+ Credits & Info

Released May 2017

Recorded in studio Hljóðriti, Iceland
Engineered by Guðmundur Kristinn Jónsson and Ásgeir Trausti Einarsson
Assistant engineers Friðjón Jónsson, Sigurður Guðmundsson, Daníel Trausti Róbertsson
Mixed in studio Hljóðriti by Guðmundur Kristinn Jónsson and Ásgeir Trausti Einarsson
Mastered by Mandy Parnell at Black Saloon Studios

Horns arranged by Samúel Jón Samúelsson
Strings arranged by Bjarni Frímann Bjarnason

Produced by Ásgeir Trausti Einarsson and Guðmundur Kristinn Jónsson

Design and layout by Snorri Eldjárn and Viktor Weisshappel Vilhjálmsson
Photography by Guðmundur Vigfússon

Published by Kobalt

℗ 2017 One Little Indian Records
© 2017 One Little Indian Records

In The SilencE (Deluxe)


-CD 1-

1. Hærra

Hátt ég lyfti
huga mínum – á flug
legg við hlustir og nem
nem vindhörpuslátt.

Brátt ég eyði
öllum línum – á jörð
sýnist umhverfið allt
vera eilífðarblátt.

Hærra, hærra
heimsins prjál mér þykir verða fátæklegra og

Seinna þegar
sólin ljómar – af ást
dylst í huga mér það
það draumljúfa kvöld

Þessi blámi
þessir hljómar – sem nást
einnig fögur og há
há heiðríkjutjöld.

Hærra, hærra
heimsins prjál mér þykir verða fátæklegra og

Hátt ég lyfti
huga mínum – á flug
legg við hlustir og nem
nem vindhörpuslátt.

Brátt ég eyði
öllum línum – á jörð
sýnist umhverfið allt
vera eilífðarblátt.

Seinna þegar
sólin ljómar
þessi blámi
þessir hljómar
hátt ég lyfti
huga mínum
horfi yfir...

2. Dýrð í dauðaþögn

Tak mína hönd,
lítum um öxl, leysum bönd.
Frá myrkri martröð sem draugar vagg’ og velta,
lengra, lægra, oft vilja daginn svelta.

Stór, agnarögn,
oft er dýrð í dauðaþögn.
Í miðjum draumi sem heitum höndum vefur,
lengra, hærra á loft nýjan dag upphefur.

Finnum hvernig hugur fer,
frammúr sjálfum sér.
Og allt sem verður, sem var og sem er,

Knúið á dyr,
og uppá gátt sem aldrei fyrr.
Úr veruleika sem vissa ver og klæðir,
svengra, nær jafnoft dýrðardaginn fæðir.

3. Sumargestur

Fuglinn minn úr fjarska ber
fögnuð vorsins handa mér.
Yfir höfin ægi-breið
ævinlega – flýgur rétta leið.

Tyllir sér á græna grein
gott að hvíla lúin bein
ómar söngur hjartahlýr
hlusta ég á – lífsins ævintýr.

Fús ég þakka fuglinn minn
fyrir gleði-boðskapinn
þessa ljúfu tæru tóna - tóna.

Þegar haustar aftur að
af einlægni ég bið um það
að mega syngja sönginn þinn
sumargestur – litli fuglinn minn.

Fús ég þakka fuglinn minn
fyrir gleði-boðskapinn
þessa ljúfu tæru tóna - tóna.
Þú átt athvarf innst í sál
ó að ég kynni fuglamál
skyldi ég lag á lúftgítarinn prjóna.

4. Leyndarmál

Glitrar næturdögg, geng ég þar með henni
grátur hvítvoðungs berst frá rauðu húsi.
Læðast refahjón, lafir bráð úr kjafti
lerkiskógurinn hann fær margt að vita.

Þegar kóngurinn er með kross í hendi
koma hersveitir til að ná í skammtinn
svalir nátthrafnar sjá að nú er færi
sjúkleg árátta fær þá til að virka.

Tifar lífsins blóm, tóri ef ég nenni
tárast silfurberg svo langt frá steinhúsi
andar sunnanblær, eflist af lífskrafti
enginn maður veit og enginn fær að vita.

Þegar kóngurinn er með kross í hendi
koma hersveitir til að ná í skammtinn
svalir nátthrafnar sjá að nú er færi
sjúkleg árátta fær þá til að virka.

5. Hljóða nótt

Hljóða nótt er allt sem áður var?
Átti fley en man ekki hvar.
Flúinn farinn, hvað er sagt og séð?
Satt er vont ef lygi fylgir með,
reisir sverð og skjöld.

Ljóða nótt er allt sem áður var?
Átti skrín en man ekki hvar.
Lurkum laminn heimtar bæn og bón.
Brotin loforð gefa daufan tón,
bæði heit og köld

Góða nótt er allt sem áður var?
Átti gull en man ekki hvar.
Hvar er trúin sem á fætur fer?
Faðir heimsins viltu hjálpa mér,
trúum veitast völd.

Hljóða nótt er allt sem áður var?
Átti gersemi en ekki þar.
Flúinn farinn, hvað er sagt og séð?
Sumt var gott en annað fylgdi með,
reisir sverð og skjöld.

Sumt var gott en annað fylgdi með,
reisir sverð og skjöld.

6. Nýfallið regn

Glymur í bárujárni, barist er um nótt
blikar á tár og kannski vantar suma þrótt.
Húsið það lekur, myndast alltaf mygla þar
minningadrekar leynast næstum allsstaðar.

Í stríðum straumum fer
nálægt mér
nýfallinn regndropaher.

Svartur á leikinn, svona verður þetta hér
svífur nú bleikur máni yfir þér og mér.
Enda þótt næði flesta daga kalt um kinn
komum og ræðum þetta saman vinur minn.

Í stríðum straumum fer
nálægt mér
nýfallinn regndropaher.

7. Heimförin

Heim á leið, held ég nú
hugurinn þar er
hugurinn þar.

Ljós um nótt, lætur þú
loga handa mér
loga handa.

Það er þyngsta raun
þetta úfna hraun.
Glitrar dögg, gárast lón
gnæfa fjöllin blá
gnæfa fjöllin.

Einn ég geng, einni bón
aldrei gleyma má
aldrei gleyma.

Löng er för, lýist ég
lít samt fram á veg
lít samt fram á veg
lít samt fram á veg
lít samt fram á veg
lít samt fram á veg

Heim á leið, held ég nú
hugurinn þar er
hugurinn þar.

Ljós um nótt, lætur þú
loga handa mér
loga handa.

Það er þyngsta raun
þetta úfna hraun.

8. Að grafa sig í fönn

Hér á norðurslóð, nætur eru dimmar
og napur kuldinn leikur suma illa
á hugardjúpin sækja grýlur grimmar
og gleði dagsins verulega spilla.

Von og trú mig vantar núna
von og trú sem yljar hjarta
von og trú sem virkjar krafta
von og trú með ljósið bjarta
von og trú sem vekur gleði
von og trú í myrkrið svarta

Ýmsir rækja vel, heimskuna og háðið
en heldur minna það sem færi betur
að grafa sig í fönn gæti verið ráðið
og gleyma sér í allan, allan vetur.

9. Samhljómur

Nú er ég sál er fleytir fjörð og kyndir
uppsker fjörur, hreinar gæfulindir
augun líta himinhaf og tóna
augun horf’ og leita þess sem leita má
liggja flötum maga, hugsa, spá
samhljómur, í fyrr og nú.

Hver er sá er kylliflatur fellur
einhver falinn hinsta baulið gellur
augun líta grasi gróna skóna
augun geyma drauma þess sem dreyma má
dali yfirfyllt’ af von og þrá
samhljómur, því ég er þú.

Nú er ég sál er fleytir fjörð og kyndir
uppsker fjörur, hreinar gæfulindir
augun líta grasi gróna skóna
augun geyma drauma þess sem dreyma má
dali yfirfyllt’ af von og þrá
samhljómur, því ég er þú.

10. Þennan dag

Þú varst hjartablóm og ljóðadís og lag
í leiftursýn mér tókst að þekkja þig
þennan dag
og gæfan tók að gæla ögn við mig.
Svo leið tíminn hratt með lífsins dans og brag
mér lærðist tafarlaust að þekkja það
þennan dag
að gæfan verður seint á vísum stað.

Enn ég hugs’ um ástina og glaðan hag
og einnig þína mynd og þarflaust hik
þennan dag
hið eina litla, litla augnablik.

Þú varst hjartablóm og ljóðadís og lag
mér lærðist tafarlaust að þekkja það
þennan dag
að gæfan verður seint á vísum stað
að gæfan verður seint á vísum stað
að gæfan verður seint á vísum stað.

-CD 2-

1. Higher

I lift my mind to the sky,
and I let it take flight.
The wind carries to my ears
precious sounds of life.

Soon I break all ties
which bind me to this earth.
All that surrounds me seems to melt
into blue eternal.

Higher, higher,
far away.
And the glare of this world
is small and humbled.

Now the warmth of the sun
has refreshed my soul.
She takes her leave, and she bows
to the dreams of the night.

This deepest sapphire,
this feast for open ears.
The clouds have drifted away,
and everything becomes so clear.

Higher, higher,
I must go.
And the glare of this world
is small and humbled.

I lift my mind to the sky,
and I let it take flight.
The wind carries to my ears
precious sounds of life.

Soon I break all ties
which bind me to this earth.
All that surrounds me seems to melt
into blue eternal.

And later when
the sun shines down,
deepest sapphire
feast for the ears.
I lift my mind
up to the sky.

Look out over…
Look out over…
Look out over…
Look out over…
Look out over…
Look out over…

2. In The Silence

Come, take my hand.
Let’s undo the knots of the past.
From the night where phantoms toss and turn,
go further, deeper as the day is closing.

Soft and fragile.
There is grace in the dead of silence.
As we dream gentle hands are shaping,
further, higher as the new day enters.

Watch the mind run far away,
way ahead of us
and everything that will be and was
here and now.

We opened the door.
Found a way, we hadn't seen before.
Found a reality that shields us and clothes us,
makes us hungry for things the day can offer.

Watch the mind run far away,
way ahead of us
and everything that will be and was
here and now.

Watch the mind run far away,
way ahead of us
and everything that will be and was
here and now.

3. Summer Guest

My bird flies home from afar,
brings the joy of spring to me.
O’er the ocean’s endless blue,
he never fails.
His path is clear and true.

Perched upon a branch of green,
he rests his legs from the long journey.
Warms my heart with wondrous song.
I listen close.
He tells of battles won.

From my heart, I thank you friend
for this precious melody –
for these sweet and pure tones,
sweet and pure tones.

When the autumn comes again,
I ask you from my heart, my friend,
that you’d have me sing your song.
Oh, summer guest,
I’ll miss you while you’re gone.

From my heart, I thank you friend
for this precious melody –
for these sweet and pure tones,
sweet and pure tones.

You’ve made a shelter for my soul.
If your language I could speak,
I would weave a song for you of my own.

4. King And Cross

Glistening nighttime dew, and she is walking with me.
From the house of red, I hear a child crying.
Foxes heading home, their prey hangs from their jaws.
And the forest knows, but it won’t share the secret.

When the king takes sides,
leaving moral minds; soldiers take their share.
Nighthawks seem to sense that now is the time.
Deep inside them burns the raging fire of life.
He’ll take back what he owns.

Death cannot take hold, if I can keep momentum.
Fortresses of stone, turn into crystal tears
soothed by southern winds; I’ve found my strength now.
And nobody knows, and we must keep their secret.

When the king takes sides,
leaving moral minds; soldiers take their share.
Nighthawks seem to sense that now is the time.
Deep inside them burns the raging fire of life.
He’ll take back what he owns.

When the king takes sides,
leaving moral minds; soldiers take their share.
Nighthawks seem to sense that now is the time.
Deep inside them burns the raging fire of life.
He’ll take back what he owns.

5. Was There Nothing?

Was there nothing but the hush of night?
Had a boat. Don’t remember where.
Did you flee from what was said and seen?
Truth’s not true under the light of lies.
Raise your sword and shield.

Was there more than just the prose of night?
Had a grave. Don’t remember where.
Beaten down, now I lift up my prayer.
Broken promises have set the snare.
Both sincere and not.

Was there nothing but the blessed night?
Had some gold. Don’t remember where.
When does faith lift up its head so high?
Oh my Lord, won’t you please tell me why?
Faith bestows power.

Was there nothing but the hush of night?
Had a treasure, but I don’t know where.
Did you flee from what was said and seen?
Yes, the good was not without the bad.
Raise your sword and shield.
Yes, the good was not without the bad.
Raise up your sword and shield.

6. Torrent

Gods of iron clashing, wind in battle through the night.
Tears will fall, and strength is needed to overcome.
This old house is full of leaks and mold on the walls.
Dragons of the mind are lurking in the shadows.

Torrents wash away
everything –
raindrops flowing all around.

Queen takes King, the pawns are falling onto the ground.
Over you and me, there is rising the pink moon.
Merciless though the wind takes hold with freezing cold.
Come, my friend, sit with me; take council in the warmth.

Torrents wash away
everything –
raindrops flowing all around.

Torrents wash away
everything –
raindrops flowing all around.

7. Going Home

Home, I’m making my way home.
My mind’s already there.
Yes, my mind is

Light, you’re with me in the dark.
Light my way at night.
Let your light shine

Now, this burden weighs me down.
The heaviest of weights
knocks me to the ground,
right down to the

Dew that sparkles on the ground.
Blue mountains loom above.
Blue mountains loom

And I walk alone; one wish
won’t be forgotten,
never forget that

Long, is the path ahead.
And though my body tires,
and I have far to go,
I know I’m going home.
Know I’m going home.
Know I’m going home.
Know I’m going home.
Know I’m going home.

Home, I’m making my way home.
My mind’s already there.
Yes, my mind is

Light, you’re with me in the dark.
Light my way at night.
Let your light shine

Now, this burden weighs me down.
The heaviest of weights
knocks me to the ground.

This burden weighs me down.
Burden weighs me down.
Burden weighs me down.
Burden weighs me down.

8. Head In The Snow

Far up in the north, the nights can be so dark.
Biting cold takes its toll on the body.
Grýla casts her spell in the depths of the mind,
damaging happiness and the joy of life.

Hope and faith, don’t you fail me now.
Hope and faith, come and warm my heart.
Hope and faith, fill me up with strength.
Hope and faith, shine down with bright light.
Hope and faith, give me back my joy.
Hope and faith, in the dark of night.

People waste their time with triviality,
leaving what’s important for someone else.
My advice to you: hide your head in the snow.
Try forgetting everything – the things you should know.

9. In Harmony

I am a soul, I float amongst the fjords, and I am
creating fire which will find you.
Your eyes. I see the ocean deep in your eyes.
Now I, I know that nothing here can harm me now.
I rest inside the hope of what’s to come.
Then and now in harmony.

Who is? Please tell me who will fall and who has fallen.
Who hides and wants to be forgotten?
My eyes. I see the path now clearly to you.
Now I, I see the dream is now becoming truth.
This valley overflows my hope, my life.
Then and now in harmony.

I am a soul, I float amongst the fjords, and I am
creating fire which will find you.
My eyes. I see the path now clearly to you.
Now I, I see the dream is now becoming truth.
This valley overflows my hope, my life.
Then and now in harmony.

10. On That Day

You were my heart-flower: my poetry, my song.
Just one look at you, and then I knew
on that day
serendipity smiled down on me.

Time flew by swiftly. Life was filled with dance and song,
but it wasn’t long before I learned
on that day
you don’t get to call the shots that way.

I still think about the possibility of love.
I see reflections of that moment now,
from that day:
just a fleeting glimpse that will not stay.

You were my heart-flower: my poetry, my song.
But it wasn’t long before I learned
on that day
you don’t get to call the shots that way.

You don’t get to call the shots that way.
You don’t get to call the shots that way.

-CD 3-

1. Dreaming

In an endless spin
and without you leaving
flowing over every cup
if you know you're dreaming
if your worlds are crossing
and, this dark should fall.

Look up to the stars
in the darkness glowing
and when you're out there soaring high
without your body flowing
don't hesitate you're dreaming
after all.

Over fields of green
in the sunlight gleaming
leaving all I know behind
now I know I'm dreaming
I follow every line that leads to you.

2. Ocean

Now the days go by, and the waves hit me high.
While passing time, I slowly walk the line.

And I'm hungry for patience
and some new relations.
I defy devotion
to the oceans motion.

Strange it seems to me, for such different reasons,
why my past beliefs, create this awful treason.

And I'm hungry for patience
and some new relations.
I defy devotion
to the oceans motion.

I make my own solutions
drawn from past conclusions.
So I long for patience
and some real relations.

3. It Will Rain

Through this window
our days gone by
rivers they flow
sometimes they dry

Space and time together
and spaceless halls of time
when your shell is broken
then it's time to fly. (time to fly)

In the distance
mist through the air
takes special care

Sometimes clouds will gather
sometimes it will rain
we have shared this lifetime
we are just the same

4. Stormurinn

Stormur þýtur stuggar við trjánum
stoltur og frekur sýnir þrek
sýnir þrek.

Skellir hurðum feykir burt fánum
fremur í gáska ótal brek
ótal brek.

Veistu að vindurinn sterki þinn huga hreinsar
hörmum og leiðindum þyrlar hann upp í loft
þyrlar hann upp í loft.

Áfram brunar hamast og hamast
heima ég kúri, líður vel
líður vel.

Við þessu tjóir ekkert að amast
indælt ég rokið bara tel
bara tel.

Veistu að vindurinn sterki þinn huga hreinsar
heimaland mitt og þitt sannar það býsna oft
sannar það býsna oft.

Veistu að vindurinn sterki þinn huga hreinsar
hörmum og leiðindum þyrlar hann upp í loft
þyrlar hann upp í loft.

5. Frost

Frosin jörð, freðið bros,
fundið skjól, dulin kvos.
(gaddfreðið bros)
Þramma um snjóþæfinginn,
(gaddfreðið bros)
þú ert draumheimur minn.

Spurning hvað er rangt og rétt,
hvað er rangt?
(gaddfreðið bros)
Glott á vör gefur allt,
glatað stríð reynist kalt.
(það gefur allt)
Hver er ég, hvað er það
(það gefur allt)
og hvað er óskrifað blað?

Spurning hvað er rangt og rétt,
hvað er rangt? Ef rétt er nýtt rangt.
Freðin jörð, frosið bros,
fundið skjól, dulin kvos.

6. Soothe This Pain

Take these trembling hands,
Touch these fingertips.
Help them understand,
The silence on your lips.

When the steam rises from the ground,
Levitating without a sound.
There's a peacefulness to be found,
In a breath that is skywards bound.

Soothe this pain, soothe this pain.

Mend this broken voice,
Ease these eager needs.
Every little choice,
Leads to fertile deeds.

Light up when the night is worn.
Opens up to an untouched morn.
Light up when the night is worn.
Opens up to an untouched morn.

Rest, when these worried eyes,
Melt away into open skies
Rest, when these worried eyes,
Melt away into open skies

Take these trembling hands,
Touch these fingertips.
Help them understand,
The silence on your lips.

When the steam rises from the ground,
Levitating without a sound.
There's a peacefulness to be found,
In a breath that is skywards bound.

7. Nú hann blæs

Vindurinn mig vekur,
og veltir sér af stað.
En sólin nær mér situr,
já hún situr öllu nær.
Og geislar hennar glæðast,
af gjöfum þess sem er.

Visku sína vakti,
og veitti farveg í.
Í fljótið sem var forðum,
Yfirfullt af öllu því.
Sem ég átti einu sinni,
vefur örmum faðmar mig.

Í lífsins grænu lautu,
rennur lækur undurtær.
Og sólarinnar máttur,
er meiri en í gær.
Til himins nú sig hefur,
og hærr´a á loft ég fer.

Nú hann blæs og með vindi bærist,
bjöguð en merkileg sýn.
Því í stormi hrærist,
hugsunin mín.

8. Heart-shaped Box

She eyes me like a Pisces when I am weak
I've been locked inside your heart-shaped box for weeks
I've been drawn into your magnet tar-pit trap
I wish I could eat your cancer when you turn black

Hey! Wait!
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Hey! Wait!
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Hey! Wait!
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Your advice

Meat-eating orchids forgive no one just yet
Cut myself on angel's hair and baby's breath
Broken hymen of your highness I'm left back
Throw down your umbilical noose so I can climb right back

Hey! Wait!
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Hey! Wait!
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Hey! Wait!
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Your advice

She eyes me like a Pisces when I am weak
I've been locked inside your heart-shaped box for weeks
I've been drawn into your magnet tar-pit trap
I wish I could eat your cancer when you turn black

Hey! Wait!
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Hey! Wait!
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Hey! Wait!
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice

Your advice [x3]

9. Torrent (Acoustic)

10. Going Home (Toe Rag Sessions)

11. Summer Guest (Toe Rag Sessions)

12. On That Day (Toe Rag Sessions)

13. King And Cross (Dot Major Remix)

14. Torrent (Stay+ Remix)

15. King And Cross (Liam Howe Remix)

+ Credits & Info

Released November 2014

CD 1 – Dýrð í dauðaþögn

Recorded in Hljóðriti, Iceland 2012
Engineered by Guðmundur Kristinn Jónsson and Ásgeir Trausti Einarsson
Assistant engineers: Sigurður Guðmundsson, Kristinn Snær Agnarsson and Friðjón Jónsson

Mixed and mastered by Guðmundur Kristinn Jónsson and Styrmir Hauksson

Horns arranged by Samúel Jón Samúelsson

Produced by Guðmundur Kristinn Jónsson

CD 2 – In The Silence

Recorded in Hljóðriti, Iceland 2012 and 2013
Engineered by Guðmundur Kristinn Jónsson and Ásgeir Trausti Einarsson
Assistant engineers at Hljóðriti: Sigurður Guðmundsson, Kristinn Snær Agnarsson and Friðjón Jónsson

Mixed in Hljóðriti and Miloco, The Pool by Dave Bascombe For Big Life Management and Guðmundur Kristinn Jónsson

Mastered by Mandy Parnell at Black Saloon Studios

Horns arranged by Samúel Jón Samúelsson

Produced by Guðmundur Kristinn Jónsson

CD 3 – Bonus Tracks

Songs 1,3,4,5,6,8,9 recorded in Hljóðriti, Iceland 2012 and 2013
Songs 2 and 7 recorded in Hljóðriti, Iceland and Miloco, The Pool, London 2013
Songs 10-12 recorded in Toe Rag Studios, London 2013

Hljóðriti recordings engineered by Guðmundur Kristinn Jónsson and Ásgeir Trausti Einarsson
Assistant engineer at Hljóðriti and Miloco, The Pool: Friðjón Jónsson

Toe Rag Sessions engineered by Liam Watson

Songs 1-9 mixed and mastered by Guðmundur Kristinn Jónsson
Songs 10-11 mixed by Liam Watson, Guðmundur Kristinn Jónsson and Styrmir Hauksson

Horns arranged by Samúel Jón Samúelsson
String arrangements by Hrafnkell Orri Egilsson

Produced by Guðmundur Kristinn Jónsson

King and Cross (Dot Major Remix)remixed by Dot Major
Torrent (Stay+ Remix) remixed by Stay+
King and Cross (Liam Howe Remix) produced by Liam Howe and remixed at Lint Studios

Graphic design: Bobby Breiðholt
Photography: Jónatan Grétarsson

℗ 2014 One Little Indian Records
© 2014 One Little Indian Records

In The Silence


1. Higher

I lift my mind to the sky,
and I let it take flight.
The wind carries to my ears
precious sounds of life.

Soon I break all ties
which bind me to this earth.
All that surrounds me seems to melt
into blue eternal.

Higher, higher,
far away.
And the glare of this world
is small and humbled.

Now the warmth of the sun
has refreshed my soul.
She takes her leave, and she bows
to the dreams of the night.

This deepest sapphire,
this feast for open ears.
The clouds have drifted away,
and everything becomes so clear.

Higher, higher,
I must go.
And the glare of this world
is small and humbled.

I lift my mind to the sky,
and I let it take flight.
The wind carries to my ears
precious sounds of life.

Soon I break all ties
which bind me to this earth.
All that surrounds me seems to melt
into blue eternal.

And later when
the sun shines down,
deepest sapphire
feast for the ears.
I lift my mind
up to the sky.

Look out over…
Look out over…
Look out over…
Look out over…
Look out over…
Look out over…

2. In The Silence

Come, take my hand.
Let’s undo the knots of the past.
From the night where phantoms toss and turn,
go further, deeper as the day is closing.

Soft and fragile.
There is grace in the dead of silence.
As we dream gentle hands are shaping,
further, higher as the new day enters.

Watch the mind run far away,
way ahead of us
and everything that will be and was
here and now.

We opened the door.
Found a way, we hadn't seen before.
Found a reality that shields us and clothes us,
makes us hungry for things the day can offer.

Watch the mind run far away,
way ahead of us
and everything that will be and was
here and now.

Watch the mind run far away,
way ahead of us
and everything that will be and was
here and now.

3. Summer Guest

My bird flies home from afar,
brings the joy of spring to me.
O’er the ocean’s endless blue,
he never fails.
His path is clear and true.

Perched upon a branch of green,
he rests his legs from the long journey.
Warms my heart with wondrous song.
I listen close.
He tells of battles won.

From my heart, I thank you friend
for this precious melody –
for these sweet and pure tones,
sweet and pure tones.

When the autumn comes again,
I ask you from my heart, my friend,
that you’d have me sing your song.
Oh, summer guest,
I’ll miss you while you’re gone.

From my heart, I thank you friend
for this precious melody –
for these sweet and pure tones,
sweet and pure tones.

You’ve made a shelter for my soul.
If your language I could speak,
I would weave a song for you of my own.

4. King And Cross

Glistening nighttime dew, and she is walking with me.
From the house of red, I hear a child crying.
Foxes heading home, their prey hangs from their jaws.
And the forest knows, but it won’t share the secret.

When the king takes sides,
leaving moral minds; soldiers take their share.
Nighthawks seem to sense that now is the time.
Deep inside them burns the raging fire of life.
He’ll take back what he owns.

Death cannot take hold, if I can keep momentum.
Fortresses of stone, turn into crystal tears
soothed by southern winds; I’ve found my strength now.
And nobody knows, and we must keep their secret.

When the king takes sides,
leaving moral minds; soldiers take their share.
Nighthawks seem to sense that now is the time.
Deep inside them burns the raging fire of life.
He’ll take back what he owns.

When the king takes sides,
leaving moral minds; soldiers take their share.
Nighthawks seem to sense that now is the time.
Deep inside them burns the raging fire of life.
He’ll take back what he owns.

5. Was There Nothing?

Was there nothing but the hush of night?
Had a boat. Don’t remember where.
Did you flee from what was said and seen?
Truth’s not true under the light of lies.
Raise your sword and shield.

Was there more than just the prose of night?
Had a grave. Don’t remember where.
Beaten down, now I lift up my prayer.
Broken promises have set the snare.
Both sincere and not.

Was there nothing but the blessed night?
Had some gold. Don’t remember where.
When does faith lift up its head so high?
Oh my Lord, won’t you please tell me why?
Faith bestows power.

Was there nothing but the hush of night?
Had a treasure, but I don’t know where.
Did you flee from what was said and seen?
Yes, the good was not without the bad.
Raise your sword and shield.
Yes, the good was not without the bad.
Raise up your sword and shield.

6. Torrent

Gods of iron clashing, wind in battle through the night.
Tears will fall, and strength is needed to overcome.
This old house is full of leaks and mold on the walls.
Dragons of the mind are lurking in the shadows.

Torrents wash away
everything –
raindrops flowing all around.

Queen takes King, the pawns are falling onto the ground.
Over you and me, there is rising the pink moon.
Merciless though the wind takes hold with freezing cold.
Come, my friend, sit with me; take council in the warmth.

Torrents wash away
everything –
raindrops flowing all around.

Torrents wash away
everything –
raindrops flowing all around.

7. Going Home

Home, I’m making my way home.
My mind’s already there.
Yes, my mind is

Light, you’re with me in the dark.
Light my way at night.
Let your light shine

Now, this burden weighs me down.
The heaviest of weights
knocks me to the ground,
right down to the

Dew that sparkles on the ground.
Blue mountains loom above.
Blue mountains loom

And I walk alone; one wish
won’t be forgotten,
never forget that

Long, is the path ahead.
And though my body tires,
and I have far to go,
I know I’m going home.
Know I’m going home.
Know I’m going home.
Know I’m going home.
Know I’m going home.

Home, I’m making my way home.
My mind’s already there.
Yes, my mind is

Light, you’re with me in the dark.
Light my way at night.
Let your light shine

Now, this burden weighs me down.
The heaviest of weights
knocks me to the ground.

This burden weighs me down.
Burden weighs me down.
Burden weighs me down.
Burden weighs me down.

8. Head In The Snow

Far up in the north, the nights can be so dark.
Biting cold takes its toll on the body.
Grýla casts her spell in the depths of the mind,
damaging happiness and the joy of life.

Hope and faith, don’t you fail me now.
Hope and faith, come and warm my heart.
Hope and faith, fill me up with strength.
Hope and faith, shine down with bright light.
Hope and faith, give me back my joy.
Hope and faith, in the dark of night.

People waste their time with triviality,
leaving what’s important for someone else.
My advice to you: hide your head in the snow.
Try forgetting everything – the things you should know.

9. In Harmony

I am a soul, I float amongst the fjords, and I am
creating fire which will find you.
Your eyes. I see the ocean deep in your eyes.
Now I, I know that nothing here can harm me now.
I rest inside the hope of what’s to come.
Then and now in harmony.

Who is? Please tell me who will fall and who has fallen.
Who hides and wants to be forgotten?
My eyes. I see the path now clearly to you.
Now I, I see the dream is now becoming truth.
This valley overflows my hope, my life.
Then and now in harmony.

I am a soul, I float amongst the fjords, and I am
creating fire which will find you.
My eyes. I see the path now clearly to you.
Now I, I see the dream is now becoming truth.
This valley overflows my hope, my life.
Then and now in harmony.

10. On That Day

You were my heart-flower: my poetry, my song.
Just one look at you, and then I knew
on that day
serendipity smiled down on me.

Time flew by swiftly. Life was filled with dance and song,
but it wasn’t long before I learned
on that day
you don’t get to call the shots that way.

I still think about the possibility of love.
I see reflections of that moment now,
from that day:
just a fleeting glimpse that will not stay.

You were my heart-flower: my poetry, my song.
But it wasn’t long before I learned
on that day
you don’t get to call the shots that way.

You don’t get to call the shots that way.
You don’t get to call the shots that way.

11. Soothe This Pain

Take these trembling hands,
Touch these fingertips.
Help them understand,
The silence on your lips.

When the steam rises from the ground,
Levitating without a sound.
There's a peacefulness to be found,
In a breath that is skywards bound.

Soothe this pain, soothe this pain.

Mend this broken voice,
Ease these eager needs.
Every little choice,
Leads to fertile deeds.

Light up when the night is worn.
Opens up to an untouched morn.
Light up when the night is worn.
Opens up to an untouched morn.

Rest, when these worried eyes,
Melt away into open skies
Rest, when these worried eyes,
Melt away into open skies

Take these trembling hands,
Touch these fingertips.
Help them understand,
The silence on your lips.

When the steam rises from the ground,
Levitating without a sound.
There's a peacefulness to be found,
In a breath that is skywards bound.

+ Credits & Info

Released January 2014

Recorded in studio Hljóðriti, Iceland 2012

Engineered by Guðmundur Kristinn Jónsson and Ásgeir Trausti Einarsson

Assistant engineers Sigurður Guðmundsson, Kristinn Snær Agnarsson and Friðjón Jónsson

Produced by Guðmundur Kristinn Jónsson

Mixed in studio Hljóðriti and Miloco, The Pool

Mixed by Dave Bascombe for Big Life Management and Guðmundur Kristinn Jónsson

Mixing assistant Styrmir Hauksson

Mastered by Mandy Parnell at Black Saloon Studios

Horns arranged by Samúel Jón Samúelsson

℗ 2013 One Little Indian Records
© 2013 One Little Indian Records

Dýrð í dauðaþögn


1. Hærra

Hátt ég lyfti
huga mínum – á flug
legg við hlustir og nem
nem vindhörpuslátt.

Brátt ég eyði
öllum línum – á jörð
sýnist umhverfið allt
vera eilífðarblátt.

Hærra, hærra
heimsins prjál mér þykir verða fátæklegra og

Seinna þegar
sólin ljómar – af ást
dylst í huga mér það
það draumljúfa kvöld

Þessi blámi
þessir hljómar – sem nást
einnig fögur og há
há heiðríkjutjöld.

Hærra, hærra
heimsins prjál mér þykir verða fátæklegra og

Hátt ég lyfti
huga mínum – á flug
legg við hlustir og nem
nem vindhörpuslátt.

Brátt ég eyði
öllum línum – á jörð
sýnist umhverfið allt
vera eilífðarblátt.

Seinna þegar
sólin ljómar
þessi blámi
þessir hljómar
hátt ég lyfti
huga mínum
horfi yfir...

2. Dýrð í dauðaþögn

Tak mína hönd,
lítum um öxl, leysum bönd.
Frá myrkri martröð sem draugar vagg’ og velta,
lengra, lægra, oft vilja daginn svelta.

Stór, agnarögn,
oft er dýrð í dauðaþögn.
Í miðjum draumi sem heitum höndum vefur,
lengra, hærra á loft nýjan dag upphefur.

Finnum hvernig hugur fer,
frammúr sjálfum sér.
Og allt sem verður, sem var og sem er,

Knúið á dyr,
og uppá gátt sem aldrei fyrr.
Úr veruleika sem vissa ver og klæðir,
svengra, nær jafnoft dýrðardaginn fæðir.

3. Sumargestur

Fuglinn minn úr fjarska ber
fögnuð vorsins handa mér.
Yfir höfin ægi-breið
ævinlega – flýgur rétta leið.

Tyllir sér á græna grein
gott að hvíla lúin bein
ómar söngur hjartahlýr
hlusta ég á – lífsins ævintýr.

Fús ég þakka fuglinn minn
fyrir gleði-boðskapinn
þessa ljúfu tæru tóna - tóna.

Þegar haustar aftur að
af einlægni ég bið um það
að mega syngja sönginn þinn
sumargestur – litli fuglinn minn.

Fús ég þakka fuglinn minn
fyrir gleði-boðskapinn
þessa ljúfu tæru tóna - tóna.
Þú átt athvarf innst í sál
ó að ég kynni fuglamál
skyldi ég lag á lúftgítarinn prjóna.

4. Leyndarmál

Glitrar næturdögg, geng ég þar með henni
grátur hvítvoðungs berst frá rauðu húsi.
Læðast refahjón, lafir bráð úr kjafti
lerkiskógurinn hann fær margt að vita.

Þegar kóngurinn er með kross í hendi
koma hersveitir til að ná í skammtinn
svalir nátthrafnar sjá að nú er færi
sjúkleg árátta fær þá til að virka.

Tifar lífsins blóm, tóri ef ég nenni
tárast silfurberg svo langt frá steinhúsi
andar sunnanblær, eflist af lífskrafti
enginn maður veit og enginn fær að vita.

Þegar kóngurinn er með kross í hendi
koma hersveitir til að ná í skammtinn
svalir nátthrafnar sjá að nú er færi
sjúkleg árátta fær þá til að virka.

5. Hljóða nótt

Hljóða nótt er allt sem áður var?
Átti fley en man ekki hvar.
Flúinn farinn, hvað er sagt og séð?
Satt er vont ef lygi fylgir með,
reisir sverð og skjöld.

Ljóða nótt er allt sem áður var?
Átti skrín en man ekki hvar.
Lurkum laminn heimtar bæn og bón.
Brotin loforð gefa daufan tón,
bæði heit og köld

Góða nótt er allt sem áður var?
Átti gull en man ekki hvar.
Hvar er trúin sem á fætur fer?
Faðir heimsins viltu hjálpa mér,
trúum veitast völd.

Hljóða nótt er allt sem áður var?
Átti gersemi en ekki þar.
Flúinn farinn, hvað er sagt og séð?
Sumt var gott en annað fylgdi með,
reisir sverð og skjöld.

Sumt var gott en annað fylgdi með,
reisir sverð og skjöld.

6. Nýfallið regn

Glymur í bárujárni, barist er um nótt
blikar á tár og kannski vantar suma þrótt.
Húsið það lekur, myndast alltaf mygla þar
minningadrekar leynast næstum allsstaðar.

Í stríðum straumum fer
nálægt mér
nýfallinn regndropaher.

Svartur á leikinn, svona verður þetta hér
svífur nú bleikur máni yfir þér og mér.
Enda þótt næði flesta daga kalt um kinn
komum og ræðum þetta saman vinur minn.

Í stríðum straumum fer
nálægt mér
nýfallinn regndropaher.

7. Heimförin

Heim á leið, held ég nú
hugurinn þar er
hugurinn þar.

Ljós um nótt, lætur þú
loga handa mér
loga handa.

Það er þyngsta raun
þetta úfna hraun.
Glitrar dögg, gárast lón
gnæfa fjöllin blá
gnæfa fjöllin.

Einn ég geng, einni bón
aldrei gleyma má
aldrei gleyma.

Löng er för, lýist ég
lít samt fram á veg
lít samt fram á veg
lít samt fram á veg
lít samt fram á veg
lít samt fram á veg

Heim á leið, held ég nú
hugurinn þar er
hugurinn þar.

Ljós um nótt, lætur þú
loga handa mér
loga handa.

Það er þyngsta raun
þetta úfna hraun.

8. Að grafa sig í fönn

Hér á norðurslóð, nætur eru dimmar
og napur kuldinn leikur suma illa
á hugardjúpin sækja grýlur grimmar
og gleði dagsins verulega spilla.

Von og trú mig vantar núna
von og trú sem yljar hjarta
von og trú sem virkjar krafta
von og trú með ljósið bjarta
von og trú sem vekur gleði
von og trú í myrkrið svarta

Ýmsir rækja vel, heimskuna og háðið
en heldur minna það sem færi betur
að grafa sig í fönn gæti verið ráðið
og gleyma sér í allan, allan vetur.

9. Samhljómur

Nú er ég sál er fleytir fjörð og kyndir
uppsker fjörur, hreinar gæfulindir
augun líta himinhaf og tóna
augun horf’ og leita þess sem leita má
liggja flötum maga, hugsa, spá
samhljómur, í fyrr og nú.

Hver er sá er kylliflatur fellur
einhver falinn hinsta baulið gellur
augun líta grasi gróna skóna
augun geyma drauma þess sem dreyma má
dali yfirfyllt’ af von og þrá
samhljómur, því ég er þú.

Nú er ég sál er fleytir fjörð og kyndir
uppsker fjörur, hreinar gæfulindir
augun líta grasi gróna skóna
augun geyma drauma þess sem dreyma má
dali yfirfyllt’ af von og þrá
samhljómur, því ég er þú.

10. Þennan dag

Þú varst hjartablóm og ljóðadís og lag
í leiftursýn mér tókst að þekkja þig
þennan dag
og gæfan tók að gæla ögn við mig.
Svo leið tíminn hratt með lífsins dans og brag
mér lærðist tafarlaust að þekkja það
þennan dag
að gæfan verður seint á vísum stað.

Enn ég hugs’ um ástina og glaðan hag
og einnig þína mynd og þarflaust hik
þennan dag
hið eina litla, litla augnablik.

Þú varst hjartablóm og ljóðadís og lag
mér lærðist tafarlaust að þekkja það
þennan dag
að gæfan verður seint á vísum stað
að gæfan verður seint á vísum stað
að gæfan verður seint á vísum stað.

+ Credits & Info

Released September 2012

Recorded in studio Hljdriti, Iceland 2012

Engineered by Gudmundur Kristinn Jonsson, Ásgeir Trausti Einarsson, Sigurdur Gudmundsson and Kristinn Snaer Agnarsson

Produced, mixed and mastered by Gudmundur Kristinn Jonsson

Photography by Jonina de la Rosa

Design by Bobby Breidholt

℗ 2013 One Little Indian Records
© 2013 One Little Indian Records